Feb 10, 2021
Beauty 101:面部精油指南
如果您是面部精油的新手,选择其中一种可能会让人不知所措 - 它们似乎有很多不同的好处。 此外,如果您有油性或易长粉刺的皮肤,尝试选择一种可能会特别伤脑筋 - 多年来,针对易长粉刺的皮肤的建议是尽可能远离面部油脂。 幸运的是,这些天我们更好地了解了油脂对皮肤的益处以及它们没什么好害怕的——事实...
现在读Feb 09, 2021
Vitamin C Skincare: Effects, Whitening & Timing
Getting glowing skin with Vitamin C could happen sooner than you think - here's how long it takes Vitamin C to work on skin.
现在读Feb 05, 2021
Sisley Skincare & Paris Luxury Guide
In the skincare world, Sisley’s knowledge of natural botanicals is unparalleled - and that’s what sets them apart from other brands. Did you know t...
现在读Feb 04, 2021
Resveratrol Skin Benefits, Side Effects & Uses
Have you tried this powerful plant-based antioxidant before?